
Friday, 3 June 2011

OBIEE 11g Metadata Dictionary Configuration

This blog describes the configuration and implementation of the OBIEE 11g metadata dictionary on web logic server.

There are three major steps required to undertake for metadata dictionary configuration and implementation for OBIEE 11g.

·         Deploy an application with web logic admin console which provides access to a static directory (analyticsRes)
·         Generate the metadata dictionary with BI Administrator and put it under analyticsRes folde
·         Update instanceconfig.xml with subject area metadata tag

Deploy Static Directory

A directory can be exposed in Web Logic Server (WLS) by deploying it as a J2EE application. By default the installation sets up the following directory which is used for customization (skin, style, custom messages, images etc).  This directory is used to put the OBIEE metadata dictionary files and folders.


The following steps expose this directory to WLS:
Open Web logic console application, log in and select bifoundation_domain
For bifoundation_domain, navigate deployment area

Click the “Lock &Edit” button in top left to enable the install for the deployments.
Click the Install button to install a new web application.

In the Install Application Assistant dialog, provide the path


This gives the user an option to select analyticsRes as a valid application to deploy. Select analyticsRes and continue by clicking the Next button.

Use default settings on subsequent screens.

Select deployment target ‘AdminServer’ for application

Select the option to make the deployment accessible from specified location and then click finish.

Choose the analyticsRes application deployed and then start with ‘servicing all request’ option.

Generate Repository Metadata

Open the repository in Offline mode, Navigate Tools>Utilities and then select Generate Metadata Dictionary

Select a destination directory 

Navigate to your {OBIEE MetaData Dictionary}\ {repository_name}

Open NameIndex/TreeIndex in a browser to check the readability.

Copy repository metadata dictionary to /analyticsRes folder once readability is tested. 
Configuration File Changes
Open the file instanceconfig.xml and add following entries between <WebConfig> tags.
<SubjectAreaMetadata><DictionaryURLPrefix>http://hostname:7001/analyticsRes/</DictionaryURLPrefix> </SubjectAreaMetadata>
Testing of Metadata Dictionary Implementation

Log in as administrator in Answers, select the subject area

Click on the dictionary symbol:

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