
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Installing Times Ten in–Memory Database (IMDB) 11.2.2 and Oracle In- Memory Database Cache 11.2.2 – Windows

Oracle Times Ten In Memory Database and OBIEE 
Oracle Times Ten In-Memory Database(TimesTen) is a memory-optimized raltional database with persistence. TimesTen stores all its data in memory optimized data structures and supports query alogrithms designed for in-memory processing. With SQL programming interfaces, TimesTen provides real-time data managment that delivers fast response times, and very high throughput for a variety of workloads.
I belive Times Ten in–Memory Database (IMDB) , Oracle In-Memory Database Cache option for oracle database  and OBIEE combination opens various possibilities around In-Memory reporting which would be beneficial for real time reporting, near to real time reporting , enterprise reporting (In-Memory Adaptive Data Mart) and implementing intelligent caching for OBIEE.
This blog is an attempt to list down the steps for Times Ten installation followed by verfication of install components on Windows operating system.   
Steps to install the Times Ten are as follows
1.       Download the software from OTN

2.       Extract contents from the downloaded zip file, which contains the Times Ten 11.2.2 software
Extract zip file - e.g folder d:/timesten
3.       Run the setup.exe file with administrator privileges

4.       Follow the instructions on the installer
Welcome Screen

Select installation folder

270 MB – Memory space is required to install the software

Select features

Choose Demo Data Store Location

Choose TNS_ADMIN LOCATION. To use the In-Memory Database Cache, a TNS_ADMIN variable must be set. It can be left blank. A value can be set later using ttModInstall  

Chosen the network/admin  

Select Program Folder

Enable PL/SQL

TimesTen Configuration Options

Select Java Version to add the CLASSPATH

Installation Information

Setup Status

Installation Complete

5.       Verify that the drivers are installed and that the service is running

To confirm that installation has been successful, check whether the Times Ten drivers are available and service is running.

Open ODBC Data Source Administrator and check to see if both the Times Ten Data Manager 11.2.2 and Times Ten Client Driver 11.2.2 are installed

Check whether the Times Ten Manager 11.2.2 service is running.

Use command line utilities ttversion and ttstatus to verify the software has been installed

Execute ttenv.bat script located at d:\TimesTen\tt1122_64\bin to set the environmental variables

ttstatus -