The purpose of this blog series is to simplify and write down the steps involved in the migration process of OBIEE 11g repository and webcat from development to test/production environment.
The blog covers full RPD and webcat migration and I will discuss details about the various options for incremental migration of repository and webcat in subsequent blogs.
Full Repository Migration
The steps for full Repository Migration are as follows
a. Go to Business Intelligence > coreapplication >Deployment Tab>Repository
b. Click on “Lock and Edit Configuration” (Click close on the popup window appears)
2. Once it is locked then click on “Browse” to select the RPD which you want to deploy from the popup window appears and then click on open.
3. Select the RPD you want to deploy and then click on “open”
4. Provide the password and then click on ‘’Apply” button
5. Then click on ‘’Activate Changes’’
6. Then click on ‘’Close’’ once activation is confirmed
7. Then click on “Restart to Apply Recent Changes”.
8. Then click on “Restart button” to restart the services and new RPD will be deployed.
Full Catalog Migration
1. Copy Catalog
Go to your OBIEE 11g installation folder … OBIEE Home >> instances >> instanceX >> bifoundation >> OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent >> coreapplication_obips1 >> catalog >> then choose catalog and copy catalog
When catalog is moved from one Linux environment (or windows environment) to another, create a zip (tar) copy of the catalog and then move this zip(tar) file to another Linux environment (windows environment). Without doing so there may be a possibility of missing the reports which does have long names.
WinScp also can be used in case if the files are getting moved from windows to Linux environment (whether the catalog is zipped or not). Recommended approach is to zip/tar catalog folder then ftp/winscp in binary mode to target destination and then unzip/tar.
Syntax for zip/unzip and tar is as follows
zip -r archivefile1 -This command copies the current directory, including all subdirectories into the archieve file
unzip - This command extracts the files from the zip file
tar -cvwf home.tar home/ - This command create a tar file named home.tar in the directory you currently are in of the home directory
tar -xvwzf myfile.tar.gz - This command uncompress (untar) the myfile.tar.gz file in the current directory
c. Go to Business Intelligence > coreapplication >Deployment Tab>Repository
d. Click on “Lock and Edit Configuration” (Click close on the popup window appears)
3. Once it is locked, choose BI Presentation Catalog section, the section shows the current location of the catalog used by Presentation Services. This section is used to change the location of the catalog or to share the catalog by pointing to a shared location.
The acceptable syntax is as follows: '/net/machine/disk3/sharedcatalogdata' or:'$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/$COMPONENT_NAME/catalog'.
Change the path to point to new web cat location e.g. $ORACLE_INSTANCE/SampleAppWebcat in the BI Presentation Catalog section then click on “Apply” , once applied then click on ‘’Active Changes’’.
4. Then click on ‘’Close’’ once activation is confirmed
5. Then click on “Restart to Apply Recent Changes”.
6. Then click on “Restart button” to restart the services and new RPD will be deployed.